Ray Traced Image: There’s An App For That

Here are some ray traced robotic hands, created with POVRay. Unfortunately, due to a crashed hard drive, this is the only version of the image that’s available. Early Development     … Continue reading

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Ray Traced Image: Dude! Does It Hurt?

Here’s an unfortunate raytraced robot with a messed-up face. Poor guy. Early Development     … Continue reading

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POVRay Animation: Unfinished Heater Project

Here are two slow fly-by animations of a strange high-tech heater created with POVRay. Sorry folks, no audio. These were supposed to eventually include many other super-cool, super-exciting objects and characters, but I got sidetracked.     … Continue reading

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POVRay Animation: Ubiety Series

Ubiety is defined as “the state of existing and being localized in space.” Ubiety is a series of raytraced animation loops that I created for the primarily purpose of killing time while I did other non-computer-related stuff that needed to … Continue reading

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POVRay Animation: Spinning Spirals (2002)

As I’ve noted before, the Persistence of Vision Raytracer (POVRay) is quite exceptional at visualizing mathematical functions. This raytraced, kaleidoscopic animation was a test of a DOS utility that I wrote that would generate scripts for rendering spirals. If interested, … Continue reading

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