Mandelbulb3D Images: More Amazing Surface Images

Here are some more “Amazing Surface” fractals created with Mandelbulb3D. You can see how nicely the formula creates weird mushroom shapes.     … Continue reading

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Mandelbulb3d Image: Birds and Worms (2014)

Here’s another interesting Mandelbulb3D fractal created by twisting up an “Amazing Surface”. This reminds me of something you’d see on a cuckoo clock. … Continue reading

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Mandelbulb3D Image: Happy Holidays (2012)

Hoping your holidays are filled with peace, joy, comfort and love. … Continue reading

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Mandelbulb3D Image: Martian Nut

Here’s a nutty little fellow created with Mandelbulb3D v1.82 (Amazing Surface formula) and Photoshop. I plan on doing a tutorial one of these days on how to create fractals with mixed textures. Yep, one of these days … … Continue reading

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Mandelbulb3D Image: Martian Metal Manhood

I hope everyone had a wonderful summer! As usual, I’ve been busily killing idle CPU cycles with a multitude of sloooooooow-rendering animations, some of which I hope to actually complete this year. Like many Mandelbulb3D artists these days, I’ve discovered the … Continue reading

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